Tuesday, April 04, 2006


It was right out of a movie, I swear.
Like that movie Kids, sans AIDS and Chloe Sevigny.
There was four or five of us, all going back to Lydia's house from some bar or Chinese restaurant that served underage kids. She lived somewhere on the Upper West Side and her parents had a pretty nice place and went out of town all the time, and as the saying goes, when the cat's away the rats will play.

I was with Molly. Molly was a cute, blonde girl who grew up in Manhattan with a mother who smoked pot and a dad with one testicle, and somehow ended up entering a fancy private school the same year that I did. We hit it off immediately and ended up dating for about a year and change. When you're young, being with somebody is a big deal. Hooking up with someone is an even bigger deal (anyone remember second base?) And when you're the first couple in your grade to lose your virginity to one another, it's the biggest deal of them all.

We decided that tonight would be as good a night as any to finally go through with it, and with Lydia's house being free from parental presence, who were we to deny our most primal desires? We were a great couple; a power couple, if you will, of our grade, and no one was about to tell us we should wait. Sure, 13 is a young age to be so sexually active, but in some cultures you need to be married by then in order to be socially accepted. There was no one better at that point in our lives that either of us would have been comfortable having sex with. Besides, we were young and potentially in love, and I can't deny that being drunk helped us overcome some innate, premature self-consciousness that most teenagers have.

As the elevator door slid open onto the 6th floor, we swaggered sloppily into the hallway where we took off our wet shoes before entering the apartment. Lydia, who was my friend as well as being Molly's best friend, had agreed to let us use her bed on the condition that we put towels over the blankets so as not to dirty her virgin sheets. Lydia supplied us with the towels, showed us to her room, and closed the door on her way out.

Awkwardly, Molly and I approached the bed like a couple at a shotgun wedding, knowing full well that this had all been decided before hand. We were naive, yes, but not stupid. Both of us had watched porn before and knew what sex was supposed to look like, even if we didn't know what it was going to be like. We got on the bed and disrobed, giggling at our inadequacy and bumbling attempts at being sexy and adventurous. We rolled around in the moonlit room until it felt like the right time to pull out (no pun intended) the condoms.

Molly and I had taken health class and new the risks of sex, so she had sent me to the deli to buy the condoms, an event that I accepted as a rite of passage of some sort. The man behind the counter must have thought I was joking when I asked him for a pack of Trojans, and I can't say I wasn't a little nervous asking for them in the first place.

All of our practice up to that point was somewhat basic, but the difference between watching someone have sex and thinking, "I could do that easily," and actually having sex is monumental, especially your first time around. We acted like bad porn stars, trying to finagle a plethora of positions and still have fun. I started on top, and just like in the movies, she said, "Ouch." There was a minor amount of blood, but thankfully we had been laying on the towels.

I'll spare the intimate details, but I came and we got dressed quietly, sitting next to each other on the edge of the bed smiling, as if we had just accomplished some great feat and were expecting to win an award. We didn't think about what our friends and family might think, or how it might change the way we act or the way we felt about each other, we just new we had done it and we were glad to have done it together. I put Molly in a cab, kissed her goodnight, and got on the subway. I didn't feel any different, nor did I feel particularly older, as I was expecting to feel, but I knew what had happened was not as big of a deal as I had previously believed, and I grinned the entire way home.


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