Monday, August 21, 2006

cheap white wine

I wonder how much it takes to cut someone down to their stalks. I mean really take em down a notch or two. I've got half price on strange trips and bad timing. Three out of four doctors agree that stress causes many common diseases and illnesses. Outside influence counts for most of the decisions you make on a day to day basis.

I don't like being told whose side I'm on

and I don't like being wrongly accused

there are decisions you make and there are decisions you accidently fall into. Sometimes you do things and you don't know why you did it, or you can't remember your logic at the time of the decision. It's kind complicated, I mean, I'm sure theres some scientific explanation for it. Some synapse in your left temporal lobe explains the whole fucking thing. I'm sure.

I think people started thinking when the realized they could start thinking. The law of consciousness (I better get credit for it). When you think about it, it's not easy to keep from just wondering out of life. It's like someones always leaving the door open to the next world. If you aren't paying attention you can just walk thourgh it.


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