Wednesday, February 28, 2007


NYC Urges People Not to Use N-Word
By SARA KUGLER 02.28.07, 10:03 PM ET

New York declared the n-word off limits to all races Wednesday in a purely symbolic resolution prompted by the common, casual use of the slur in hip-hop music, comedy and street slang.

"People are using it out of context," said Leroy Comrie, a black city councilman who sponsored the unanimously passed measure. "People are also denigrating themselves by using the word, and disrespecting their history."

New York's resolution is not binding and merely calls on residents to stop using the slur. Leaders of the nation's largest city also hope to set an example.

Rudis Mata, 21, of New York said it was pointless to ban the word if city had no plans to enforce it, adding that he thinks it's a violation of free speech.

"I don't necessarily think people should ban the word, but it's a derogatory term and it shouldn't be used," he said. "It's different from other curse words. It has a history."

Other municipalities have already passed similar measures in a debate that rose to a fever pitch late last year after "Seinfeld" actor Michael Richards spewed the word repeatedly at a comedy club in Los Angeles.

At New York's City Hall, supporters cheered passage of the resolution, with many of them wearing pins featuring a single white "N" with a slash through it.

Hip-hop pioneer Kurtis Blow Walker said when the resolution was proposed that blacks needed to stop using the word so "we can elevate our minds to a better future."

Others argue that use of the word by blacks is empowering; that reclaiming a slur and giving it a new meaning takes away its punch. Oscar winner Jamie Foxx, for example, has said that he will not stop using the word and that he does not see anything inappropriate about blacks using it within their own circles.

But in the uproar over Richards' outburst, black leaders including the Rev. Jesse Jackson and California Rep. Maxine Waters said it is impossible to paper over the epithet's origins and ugly history of humiliating blacks. They challenged the public and the entertainment industry to stop using the epithet.

"I forgive those young people who do not know their history, and I blame myself and my generation for not preparing you," Councilman Albert Vann said. "But today we are going to know our history. We are not going to refer to ourselves by anything negative, the way the slave master referred to black people, using the n-word."

New York's action resonated far beyond the city.

In Miramar, Fla., 27-year-old Alexa Cabrera said she hopes the resolution will at least cause people to stop and think about their use of the word.

"It's a derogatory term no matter who uses it. Like if the KKK uses it, it's wrong, but if 50 Cent uses it, it's OK? I don't understand that," said Cabrera, who is black.

Dallas bank manager Ed Romero, who described himself as black and Hispanic, said he would like to see the spirit of the New York resolution spread until the word's use is stamped out.

"It's degrading and disrespectful, and I'd like to see it eliminated completely," Romero said.

A group of black teenagers having lunch in a Dallas mall disagreed, saying the resolution won't affect their use of the word.

"We grew up saying it and it's what I say all the time," said 17-year-old Tiara Smith. "It's not going to stop anybody from saying it."

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Anna Nicole Wacked Out Of Her Mind

japanese smoking

Evolved Virtual Creatures (1994)

All you see is...

satan pooh

Devin The Dude

Jimmy Kimmel Tim Hardaway and George Takei

Devil Eyes - Paul Robertson


Will: In Quotation Marks Pt. 1

Monty Python's Dead Parrot sketch

This is a video created by a Nigerian email scammer who thinks he is producing a video for a scholarship payment from a victim he tried to scam. Unfortunately for this particular scammer, the "victim" fought back and created a fake video production company with promises of cash!

Two-Headed Girl

Monday, February 19, 2007

Extreme Elvis


Richard Simmons' Exploding Steamer

Dry Ice

The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Kid Beyond

Super Godzilla Bros.

The Price Is Right Moron!

Kitchen diaries

Human face fish

Bioluminescent giant squid

Rubber Duckies

The Secret Preview Authorized on OPRAH

go home and die

Rap Cat

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Tamasaburo + Bunraku 坂東玉三郎 + 文楽 「本朝廿四孝 - 十種�

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My Girlfriend

Eagles Fly on IYI

TurboTax Mojo by Vanilla Ice

Breakfast Time

Monday, February 12, 2007

Death Metal Office Drumming

How To Get Free Fast Food

One: A Space Odyssey

Bunny Show Jumping

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Bill Bonds Loses It

Friday, February 09, 2007

Stephen Wiltshire

Chinese Folding Chair

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Message From the Power Rangers


reactable: basic demo #1

Perceptive Pixel

prague, singapore, nice

*this first one is Kafka

lorem ipsum

"On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains."

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

status quo

Keep up with me now. I don't know, but
it sounded like you did, and a body's
got a right to be curious. Now I'm not
so sure.

Well I'll put that body to bed. I don't
know a damn thing about whatever
troubles, and that works for me. I just
want to find her.

A long beat. Laura studies Brendan's face,
then seems to come to a decision.

Coffee and pie.

The words hang in the air a moment. A look of
recognition from Brendan.

Coffee and pie oh my?

And you didn't hear it from me.

not mine

Buddy Rich

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

i love my drum machine.

More by Mark Osborne

Gangsta Gangsta - Starring Fat Albert

Ancient Chinese Secret


Masnavi I Ma'navi

Alas! the forbidden fruits were eaten,
And thereby the warm life of reason congealed.
A grain of wheat eclipsed the sun of Adam,
Like as the Dragon's tail dulls the brightness of the moon.

The most epic movie speech EVER

Glengarry Glen Ross

Peter Lorre



Viikate - Viattomien Lasten Päivä

Monday, February 05, 2007

Minus The Bear

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of Jasper Morello

Saturday, February 03, 2007

imagine this in neon

She came out west to find the sun
She lost her name but found a new one
Amy goes to school all day
But at night in the neighborhood they call her Amphetamine
She is perfect in that fucked up way
That all the magazines seem to want to glorify these days
She looks like a teenage anthem
She looks like she used to be happy with the girl inside
She looks so bored sometimes
And she has that super pale skin and those soft green eyes
She looks like she could have been happy in a better life
She came out west just to break away clean
From her family and her friends and a little girl's dream
All she wants to do every night
Is to sit beside my window and listen to the sirens
She is perfect in that fucked up way
That all the magazines seem to want to glorify these days
She looks like a teenage anthem
And she looks like she should have been happy in another life
She came out west just to break the spell
After three long years in a marriage from hell
Six months clean living sober and right
Her doctors tell her everything will be alright
Yeah, you just take your pill
And everything will be alright

old music. nothing to see here.

meth = pee

Meth Users Turning To Urine To Get High

(WCCO) When Wright County deputies opened up a smelly rented storage locker last June, they had no idea what they would find. Inside a man had stored 50 gallon jugs of urine.

"The officers that responded looked at it and said, 'yeah, that's odd,'" said Wright County Narcotics Sgt. Becky Howell.

The deputies gave the go-ahead to the owners to throw out the urine. When they did, they got sick.

A week and half later, that report hit Howell's desk.

"I said, 'Oh my gosh, this is a meth lab, this is a urine extraction lab,'" Howell said.

It's a new way to get meth. Some people drink the meth-tainted urine outright to get high. Others filter the drug back out through the cooking process.

"I'm not 100 percent sure what this guy was doing," said Howell. "Five years ago, I probably would have been surprised at that. But now, knowing and understanding methamphetamine and an addict's addiction to it, it doesn't surprise me."

It did surprise Jeremy Rezac. He's a recovering meth addict who used to cook up to $20,000 worth of the drug a day. Back then, he said it was easy to buy pseudoephedrine or ephedrine in the form of pills.

"A couple hundred bucks, send junkies, out to get your pills for you. A couple of hours later you were ready to rock and roll," he said.

But all of that changed in the summer of 2005 when lawmakers passed one of the toughest meth laws in the country. It added 10 new BCA agents, dealt out new penalties for child endangerment and placed limits on the amount of pseudoephedrine and ephedrine one person can buy in a month. It also put those pills behind the pharmacy counter and made everyone sign a log.

The state said that brought homegrown meth labs down by 70 percent.

"You can't find that product no more. You can't find it on the streets no more. The government did what they needed to do," said Rezac. "It takes a lot of time and money and I think the average meth user, meth cook, they don't want the hassle anymore."

Howell said there's still a group that does deal with the hassle and has quickly found a way around the law.

She's seen addicts travel in packs to different drug stores because they know the pharmacies do not communicate with each other.

Of the big retail chains, only Walgreens and Target keep an internal database to track pseudoephedrine pills purchases within their own stores. None of chains share with their competitors.

Airbus A380 in 7 minutes

git down

UNO Attack - You might get AIDS

CZW Ruckus and Human Tornado


FEAR - I Don't Care About You

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Bobby McFerrin Drive The Tube 1986

Rahzel Live

Arrested Development Season 3 Bloopers

Arrested Development Bloopers

Hey Ya

so rad

frog dog