Sunday, September 10, 2006


I wish I could really say what I mean. I find it so difficult to be articulate. I wish I could just say that I'm just so insignificant. I wish I could prove it. I wish I could show everyone how smart I am. I was raised to believe that I was so unique, and that I had the whole world at my doorstep just waiting to be let in. The people who taught me these things were ideological liars. I am no different from anyone else, and I am certainly not smarter. I am just as lazy and mentally obese as the next man. My brain is no less saturated with garbage.

I wish I could sleep for days and days.

If there is a constant balance between right and wrong, some godly and beautiful scale in the heavens where everything was weighed...Things must work somehow, or things would not work at all. Think of a joint. It burns properly because of the properties of the paper and the substance inside it. They burn at an equal and even pace, resulting in the ability to be able to breathe through the joint. This same basic principle could be applied to mostly anything. Think of molecules. To use another drug metaphor: The difference between cocaine (illegal) and ritalin (legal) is only a few molecules, and with this significant difference our social and personal perceptions change so that we understand, "Illegal is bad, legal is good." If hydrogen didn't weigh the exact amount that it does, our sun would not burn the way it does. If gravity was just a little more or less in our atmosphere, everyday objects that we rely on would not function the same. Without all these little things to add up to one big thing, almost every social convention we take for granted would not work.

We have developed our thoughts and beliefs based on the rules, both physical and emotional, that govern our world. Without these rules there would be no solidity and life would fall apart. Millions upon millions of years went into making what we have today. Without every moment of those years, we would not be able to live the way we have become so accustomed to living.

Every single person is totally individual from one another. There is no connected human consciousness; no invisible bond that binds us all. It is a dangerous fallacy to believe anything else. We move along our paths as they have been defined from generations past. We follow our ancestors blindly, and we rebel because it is human nature to be self-destructive. Every few million years we wipe ourselves out and are reborn in the image of our Creator. Our memories are stored in some vast quantum realm where we will never be invited; our thoughts are lost and we leave no imprint. Pluralism, in all it's glory.

Say as he says, or we shall never go.
Then join you with them, like a rib of steel.


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