Monday, September 11, 2006

this house is not a home

Early class, again. It burns me up to know that I'm going to have to do this for the next few months. I really don't want to do it anymore. My pink cloud has faded, as they say. I'm so bored. I really thought I was meant for bigger things. God, is this what my life is going to be like from now on? I feel like a lemming. Maybe I should move somewhere far away, where I don't know anyone. I can change my name and open a bar. That probably wouldn't work either. There's nothing left to do, anyhow. Everybody has done it already, and if not, someone's thinking about doing it.

I can't believe it's been 5 years since 9/11. I saw massive gatherings of cops and firemen all dressed to the nines. I just keep feeling like I'm going to get out of the subway, and someone will be yelling about some bomb or some attack. It's always in the back of my head, even if I don't notice. This place stinks. The coffee is all burnt and all my food is contaminated with mercury, even the water. I'm going to lose my mind if this keeps going the way it's going.

I'm experimenting with wind. I open different windows specific amounts and then smoke and see which way it goes, to try and get the best combination so the smoke goes straight out the window and not further inside. I notice that if I close the main door, the wind is pulled from my room to the adjoining room. If I was to leave that door open the pull would be lessened substantially because there would be a place for the air to go. But because all the windows are open the air simply circulates from room to room to outside back into my room. The fact that my apartment is high up also has something to do with it, because there are less structures prohibiting the air direction and intensity. Funny how things work. If I do this same thing in my stairwell, and open one window, all the smoke goes back into the hallway of my floor, like some immense vacuum. I should take a class on weather patterns or something, maybe. Nah, that would probably be really boring, but there's definitely a reason as to why and how wind moves, or it would not move at all.



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