Tuesday, September 05, 2006

what did I do to be so [black and] blue

no free cheese in this rat race
with a majority there is, logically, an implied minority

you deserve the best, I just want to be a part of it
I made mistakes and I should've known they would haunt me with a lifetime of ghosts of what could have been
it stings when you're not around
I should've paid more attention
I should've took you out more and made sure I was with you everywhere but I didn't and I'm living with the choice
I want to prove that I'm not just a man, but your man
so to my girlfriend: I apologize for lying
you're my heart and soul
my stop and go

class was boring and I hate teachers who dumb themselves down, because I'm not 3 years old and neither is anybody else in this class so talk to us like we're young adults, not retards. and they're so politically correct, someone said "white people" and the white teacher freaked out and corrected the student with, "caucasian."

I am going __________.


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